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Why choose Embedinator?
We make it easier than ever to create embed messages. You can create embeds and preview them in real time! Everything is very self-explanatory and user friendly thanks to Discord's latest interactive buttons, slash commands, and dropdown menus. No websites needed!

No Websites Needed
Create embeds anytime, anywhere hassle-free!

Easy to Use
No other bots provide advanced embed creation in the same way that we do!

No Paywall
Always have access to everything with no limits and for free.

Get the fast support you need anytime with a simple click of a button!
Embedinator Commands
Starts the embed creation process. Creating embeds was never easier!
Usage | /embed |
Permission | MANAGE_MESSAGES |

Starts the embed creation process. Creating embeds was never easier!
Usage | /embed |
Permission | MANAGE_MESSAGES |

Encounter any difficulties? Get help right away!
Usage | /support |
Permission | @everyone |

Encounter any difficulties? Get help right away!
Usage | /support |
Permission | @everyone |
View Embedinator's overall statistics. Never miss out on the latest numbers!
Usage | /stats |
Permission | @everyone |

View Embedinator's overall statistics. Never miss out on the latest numbers!
Usage | /stats |
Permission | @everyone |

Create an embed template and use it in any server with Embedinator! View, load, and delete your embed presets.
Usage | /presets (subcommand) |
Permission | MANAGE_MESSAGES |
Subcommands | /presets list /presets delete /presets load /presets view |

Create an embed template and use it in any server with Embedinator! View, load, and delete your embed presets.
Usage | /presets (subcommand) |
Permission | MANAGE_MESSAGES |
Subcommands | /presets list /presets delete /presets load /presets view |
View anyone's avatar & easily grab the media link!
Usage | /avatar (size) (format) |
Permission | @everyone |

View anyone's avatar & easily grab the media link!
Usage | /avatar (size) (format) |
Permission | @everyone |

View in-depth information about your account, or other people's
Usage | /userinfo (user) |
Permission | @everyone |

View in-depth information about your account, or other people's
Usage | /userinfo (user) |
Permission | @everyone |
View in-depth information regarding the server!
Usage | /serverinfo |
Permission | @everyone |

View in-depth information regarding the server!
Usage | /serverinfo |
Permission | @everyone |

Customize Embedinator to meet your server's needs! Set up a log channel, create permission roles, choose your own custom colors, and more!
Usage | /config |
Permission | ADMINISTRATOR |

Customize Embedinator to meet your server's needs! Set up a log channel, create permission roles, choose your own custom colors, and more!
Usage | /config |
Permission | ADMINISTRATOR |
View an example of an embed! Each field will be labeled for reference.
Usage | /reference |
Permission | @everyone |

View an example of an embed! Each field will be labeled for reference.
Usage | /reference |
Permission | @everyone |

"Genuinely an incredible embed bot! Free to use, actually pretty easy once you figure out what does what, UNLIMITED EMBEDS AND 0 PAY WALLS! This bot is absolutely amazing and more features are coming in the future! I'm excited to see where this bot goes and I'll definitely be recommending it to others! I can't exactly say it's the best embed bot out there as there are so many but out of the ones I've used so far, this one beats the competition by a landslide! Not too advanced and not too simple, I highly recommend this bot!"
— JustElios
"Very good bot in general and also super friendly admin that listens to his community. 10/10."
— duxii
"Embedinator is an awesome free bot with plenty of features and solid uptime. The bot's author, ChickenDinnr, is very active and helpful in the official support Discord. We definitely recommend this bot!"
— Zeot
"This bot is amazing! I can use it for embeds and it's pretty good when you understand it! I personally am still in the process of understanding but tutorials and helpful suggestions are making embedinator the bot of my embeding dreams. 5 stars!!! Also to anyone who doesn't know much about it, the prefix is / and you can do absolutely anything with it when you understand! <3"
— dqphne